Current Students
- 李彥璋 Integrating Explainable AI with Polynomial Analytics to Enhance Credit Scoring Model Compliance
- 黃馨霈 Assessing Value of Risk for Cryptocurrencies (政治大學應數系2022,陽明交通大學財金所202?)
- 施昱全 LLM for Taiwan’s Financial Statement Analysis and Future Earning Predictions (國立清華大學計量財務系, 陽明交通大學財金所)
- 吳柏賢 Enhancing Financial Resilience in Taiwan’s Green Energy Sector: ESG-Focused Contract Redesign and Risk Mitigation (國立高雄大學財金系,陽明交通大學財金所)
- 陳怡仁 Enhancing Model Accuracy and Interpretability in FinTech (台北商業大學財金系, 陽明交通大學財金所)
- 陳諾恆 Utilizing Graphical Models to Measure Systemic Risk in Taiwan (香港恆生大學, 陽明交通大學財金所)
- 蘇家灝 TBD
- 黃以樂 (陽明交通大學應數系大三)
- 吳冠霖 (陽明交通大學應數系大三)
- 許柏堯 (陽明交通大學資財系大三)
Past Students
⭐ Indicates rewards or publications derived from research work
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
- 陳彥廷 [中信銀行, Chinatrust] 8/2024
Yen-Ting Chen, Exploring Multifaceted Drivers for Bitcoin Return Analysis
- 鄭翔澧 [MSCA Industrial PhD Program, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania]
臺灣高市值產業的金融風險指標 8/2024
Siang-Li Jheng, Financial Risk Meters in Taiwan’s High-Cap Sectors
- 吳旻修, 應用強化學習於台灣股票市場與比特幣交易 8/2024
Min-Hsiu Wu, Applying Reinforcement Learning for Trading in the Taiwan Stock Market and Bitcoin
- 潘俞綺, 估計比特幣選擇權之定價核:新冠疫情前後分析 8/2023
Yu-Ci Pan, On BTC Option Pricing Kernels: Pre- and Post-Pandemic Analysis
- 呂映葇, 台灣期交所黃金選擇權的實證分析 8/2022
Ying-Rou Lu, Empirical Analysis for Gold Options in Taiwan Futures Exchange
- 李育賢, 傳統方法與機器學習在資產定價上的實證比較 6/2020
Yu-Hsien Bill Li, An Empirical Comparison between Traditional Methods and Machine Learning in Asset Pricing Models
⭐ Teng, Li, Chang, (2020), Teng and Li, (2023)
- 吳哲杭, 多元 GARCH 模型與投資組合管理在上海證交所 A 股的實證比較 6/2020
Zhe-Hang Jeff Wu, An Empirical Comparison of Multivariate GARCH Models with a Portfolio Management Application for the A-Share in Shanghai Stock Exchange
- 林益嘉, 基於深度學習之時間序列因子於信用評級模型 6/2019
Yi-Chia Kelly Lin, Deep Time-Series Feature Extraction in Credit Scoring Models
- 許至妤, 基於巴塞爾協議在金融風險管理中 VaR 估計的實證研究 6/2019
Chih-Yu Emma Hsu, An Empirical Investigation on Estimations of VaR in Financial Risk Management Based on Basel Accords
- 陳奕翔, 機器學習中的 Boosting 方法及其在信用風險管理違約預測中的應用 7/2019
Yi-Xiang Arikson Chen, On Boosting Methods in Machine Learning with Applications in Delinquency Prediction for Credit Risk Management
Institute of Data Science and Engineering, co-advised with Prof. Chu-Lan Kao
- 李亦涵, 分群後分類方法於二元分類不平衡問題: 應用於信用評分模型 8/2022
I-Han Lee, Cluster-then-Predict for Binary Classification with Imbalance Problem: Applications of Credit Scoring Models, [台積電 TSMC]
⭐ Teng, Kang, Lee, Bai (2024)
Department of Applied Mathematics, co-advised with Prof. Ming-Hsuan Kang
- 張詠淇, 利用 Heston 隨機波動率模型進行比特幣倒數型選擇權的定價與避險 8/2022
Yung-Chi Chang, Pricing and Hedging Inverse BTC Options with Heston’s Stochastic Volatility Model
⭐ 榮獲 2022 New Futures 期貨學術與實務交流研討會論文金質獎, (Chang, Teng, and Härdle, 2023)
- 陳律翔, 全球資產管理利用 Black-Litterman 模型於臺灣美國股票市場 8/2022
Lu-Xiang Chen, Global Portfolio Management with the Black-Litterman Model Using Stocks in Taiwan and the US Markets
- 張尚文, $L$-各向同性多維常態分佈之最大概似估計與其應用 8/2021
Shang-Wen Chang, Maximum Likelihood Estimate of $L$-Isotropic Multivariate Normal Distributions and Its Applications
⭐ Teng, Lee, Chang (2020)
- 趙祥安, Heston 隨機波動率模型與 NGARCH 選擇權定價模型在匯率連動選擇權上之實證比較 6/2020
Xiang-An Zhao, An Empirical Comparison between the Heston Stochastic Volatility Model and the NGARCH Model in Pricing Quanto Options
⭐ Teng and Zhao (2021) [台積電 TSMC]
- 黃春僖, 分群技術在大型資產配置的應用 6/2019
Chun-Xi Simon Huang, Large Portfolio Management with Clustering Techniques
Graduate Institute of Statistics, National Central University
- 葉惠瑄 6/2017
Huei-Hsuan Yeh, A Multivariate Markov Switching Model for Portfolio Optimization
- 應劭玄, 在馬可夫轉換模型下的資產配置 6/2017
Shao-Hsuan Jason Yin, Portfolio Allocation with Regime Switching Models
- 李宛柔 6/2017
Wan-Zoe Cora Lee, A Dynamic Rebalancing Strategy for Portfolio Allocation
- 吳柏辰 7/2016
Po-Chen Wu, Simulating Average Run Lengths of a Copula-Based Control Chart with the Use of Control Variates
- 江厚德 7/2016
Arron Chiang, An Empirical Comparison of Various Approaches in Calculating Value at Risk
- 林煒紘 6/2015
Wei-Hung Lin, Asset Allocation Based on the Black-Litterman and GARCH Models
⭐ Lin, Teng, Yang (2020)
- 沈睿謙, 在 Black-Scholes 模型下運用選擇權資料進行動態避險之比較 6/2015
Rui-Qian Shen, Comparisons of Dynamic Hedging of Financial Options Using Different Volatility Estimators under the Black-Scholes Model
- 楊舒媛 6/2015
Shu Yuang Yang, Modelling the VIX Index and Hedging the S&P 500 Futures Using VIX Options
- 王聖翔 6/2014
Sheng-Xiang Wang, A Direct Method for Calculating Greeks under Some Lévy Processes
⭐ Lyuu, Teng, Tseng, Wang (2019)
- 曾耀德 6/2014
Yao-Te Tseng, Sensitivity Analysis of Credit Derivatives
⭐ Lyuu, Teng, Tseng, Wang (2019)
- 李宥萱 6/2014
Yu-Hsuan Lee, Improved Mortality Forecasting Using Augmented Data
⭐ Luo, Teng, Lee (2016)
- 陳彥勳 6/2013
Yen-Hsun Chen, Structure Learning for Hierarchical Archimedean Copulas
- 沈志泰 6/2013
Chih-tai Shen, Estimating Intensity Processes from Credit Default Swaps
- 吳諭昕 6/2013
Yu-Hsin Wu, Calibrating the State Price Densities Using TAIEX Options
- 陳醇潔 6/2012
Chun-Chieh Chen, Efficient Option Pricing with Importance Sampling
⭐ 榮獲 100 學年度中國統計學社論文獎優等; Teng, Fuh, Chen (2016)
- 劉家齊 6/2012
Chia-Chi Liu, On Pricing Credit Default Swaps
- 趙彥茹 6/2012
Yen-ju Chao, Bayesian Imputation with an Application to Mass-Period Functions of Extrasolar Planets
⭐ Teng, Hung, Chao (2015)
- 陳彥鈞 6/2012
Yen-Chun Chen, Copula-Based Weather Data Forecasting
- 劉佑聖 6/2011
You-Sheng Liu, Portfolio Selection Based on Copula Models with Applications in Taiwan Stock Market
- 吳嘉洋 6/2011
Jia-Yang Wu, Copula-Based Time Series with Applications to Unemployment Rates Modeling
Undergraduate Projects
- 鄭有朋, 探索比特幣回報分析的多面向驅動因素 ⭐ 國立陽明交通大學第一屆智慧創新跨域潛力人才競賽, 金融科技組, 優等; Spring 2023 - Fall 2023
- 王鳴謙, 探索比特幣回報分析的多面向驅動因素 ⭐ 國立陽明交通大學第一屆智慧創新跨域潛力人才競賽, 金融科技組, 優等; Spring 2023 - Fall 2023
- 李語涵, 探索比特幣回報分析的多面向驅動因素 ⭐ 國立陽明交通大學第一屆智慧創新跨域潛力人才競賽, 金融科技組, 優等; Spring 2023 - Fall 2023
- 吳珮慈, 探索比特幣回報分析的多面向驅動因素 ⭐ 國立陽明交通大學第一屆智慧創新跨域潛力人才競賽, 金融科技組, 優等; Spring 2023 - Fall 2023
- 許晉, 探索比特幣回報分析的多面向驅動因素 ⭐ 國立陽明交通大學第一屆智慧創新跨域潛力人才競賽, 金融科技組, 優等; Spring 2023 - Fall 2023
- 陳之怡, 台灣高市值電子與金融行業的金融風險計量指標 ⭐ 國立陽明交通大學第一屆智慧創新跨域潛力人才競賽, 金融科技組, 優等 Spring 2023 - Fall 2023
- 唐君亞, 台灣高市值電子與金融行業的金融風險計量指標 ⭐ 國立陽明交通大學第一屆智慧創新跨域潛力人才競賽, 金融科技組, 優等 Spring 2023 - Fall 2023
- 蔡昕妤, 台灣高市值電子與金融行業的金融風險計量指標 ⭐ 國立陽明交通大學第一屆智慧創新跨域潛力人才競賽, 金融科技組, 優等; Spring 2023 - Fall 2023
- 陳品蓁, Statistical Modeling for the Exchange Rate between NTD and USD 8/2021-7/2022
- 宋佩芩, Statistical Modeling for the Exchange Rate between NTD and USD 8/2021-7/2022
- 范凱翔 [PhD program in Stat, Ohio Stat, USA] Credit Scoring Model. ⭐ 榮獲 109 年度科技部大專生計畫 8/2019-7/2020
- 林睿瑜 Credit Scoring Model 8/2019-7/2020 ⭐ 榮獲 109 年度科技部大專生計畫
- 陸恭葦 Credit Scoring Model [中信銀行, Chinatrust] 8/2019-7/2020