Huei-Wen Teng, Ming-Hsuan Kang, I-Han Lee, and Le-Chi Bai. Bridging accuracy and interpretability: A rescaled cluster-then-predict approach for enhanced credit scoring. International Review of Financial Analysis, 91:103005, January 2024b. (SSCI IF = 8.2, RF: 4/111=3.6%)
Huei-Wen Teng. Importance sampling for calculating the value-at-risk and expected shortfall of the quadratic portfolio with t-distributed risk factors. Computational Economics, 62(3):1125–1154, October 2023. (SCIE IF=2.0, RF: 47/107=43.9%, 國科會經濟學門B級期刊)
Yung-Chi Chang, Huei-Wen Teng, and Wolfgang Härdle. Stochastic volatility dynamic hedging of the inverse BTC option. Journal of Futures and Options, 16(2):1–48, August 2023. (TSSCI)
Le Quoc Tuan, Chih-Yung Lin, and Huei-Wen Teng. Machine learning methods for predicting failures of US commercial bank. Applied Economics Letters, pages 1–7, May 2023. (SSCI IF=1.287, RF: 236/380=62.1%)
Huei-Wen Teng and Yu-Hsien Li. Can deep neural networks outperform Fama-Macbeth regression and other supervised learning approaches in stock returns prediction with asset-pricing factors? Digital Finance, 5(1):149–182, March 2023
Huei-Wen Teng and Cheng-Der Fuh. Simulating false alarm probability in K-distributed sea clutter. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 51(9):5081–5098, September 2022. (SCIE IF=0.9, RF:87/125=69.9%)
Huei-Wen Teng and Ming-Hsuan Kang. On accelerating Monte Carlo integration using orthogonal projections. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability, 24(2):1143–1168, June 2022. (SCIE IF=0.9, RF:81/125=65.3%)
Huei-Wen Teng and Xiang-An Zhao. On pricing quanto options with spherical Monte Carlo simulation. Journal of Futures and Options, 14(2):25–82, August 2021. (TSSCI)
Huei-Wen Teng and Michael Lee. Estimation procedures of using five alternative machine learning methods for predicting credit card default. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 22 (03):1950021, September 2019. (國科會財會學門財務領域B級期刊)
Yuh-Dauh Lyuu, Huei-Wen Teng, Yao-Te Tseng, and Sheng-Xiang Wang. A systematic and efficient simulation scheme for the Greeks of financial derivatives. Quantitative Finance, 19(7):1199–1219, January 2019. (SSCI IF = 1.3, RF:150/376=39.9%, 國科會財會學門財務領域A Tier-2 級期刊)
Cheng-Der Fuh, Huei-Wen Teng, and Ren-Her Wang. Efficient simulation of value-at-risk under a jump diffusion model: A new method for moderate deviation events. Computational Economics, 51(4): 973–990, April 2018. (SCIE IF=2.0, RF: 47/107=43.9%, 國科會經濟學門B級期刊)
Huei-Wen Teng. A spherical Monte Carlo approach for calculating value-at-risk and expected shortfall in financial risk management. In 2017 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), pages 469–480. IEEE, January 2018
Huei-Wen Teng, Cheng-Der Fuh, and Chun-Chieh Chen. On an automatic and optimal importance sampling approach with applications in finance. Quantitative Finance, 16(8):1259–1271, 2016. (SSCI IF = 1.3, RF:150/376=39.9%, 國科會財會學門財務領域A Tier-2 級期刊)
Sanford Luo, Huei-Wen Teng, and Yu-Hsuan Lee. Forecasting mortality using imputed data: The case of Taiwan. Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance, 10(1):1–20, 2016
Huei-Wen Teng Ming-Hsuan Kang and Cheng-Der Fuh. On spherical Monte Carlo simulations for multivariate normal probabilities. Advances in Applied Probability, 47(3):817–836, 2015. (SCIE IF=1.2, RF:79/125=63.2%)
Wolfgang Karl Härdle, Brenda López-Cabrera, and Huei-Wen Teng. State price densities implied from weather derivatives. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 64:106–125, 2015. (SCIE IF=1.9, RF:51/107=47.6%, 國科會財會學門保險精算子領域A Tier-2級期刊)
Huei-WenTeng, Wen-LiangHung,and Yen-JuChao. Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo imputation for the transiting exoplanets with an application in clustering analysis. Journal of Applied Statistics, 42(5):1120–132, 2015. (SCIE IF=1.5, RF:60/125= 48.0%)
Cheng-Der Fuh and Huei-Wen Teng. Discussion of “multiscale change point inference” by Frick, Munk and Sieling. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B, 76(3):554–555, 2014. (SCIE IF=5.8, RF:3/125=2.4%)
Chun-Cheih Chen, Cheng-Der Fuh, and Huei-Wen Teng. Efficient option pricing with importance sampling. Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association, 51(3):253–273, 2013. (EconLit)
Yuh-Dauh Lyuu and Huei-Wen Teng. Unbiased and efficient Greeks of financial options. Finance and Stochastics, 15(1):141–181, 2011. (SCIE IF= 1.7, RF:51/125=40.8%, 國科會財會學門財務領域A Tier-2 級 期刊)
Tze-Chuan Yang, Huei-Wen Teng, and Murali Haran. The impacts of social capital on infant mortality in the U.S.: A spatial investigation. Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 2(3):211–227, 2009. (SSCI IF=1.9, RF:57/86=66.3%)
Articles in Conference Proceedings
Huei Wen Teng, Yu-Hsien Li, and Shang-Wen Chang. Machine learning in empirical asset pricing models. In 2020 International Conference on Pervasive Artificial Intelligence (ICPAI), pages 123–129, December 2020
Huei-Wen Teng. A spherical Monte Carlo approach for calculating value-at-risk and expected shortfall in financial risk management. In 2017 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), pages 469–480. IEEE, January 2018
Articles in Handbooks
Wei-Hung Lin, Huei-Wen Teng, and Chi-Chun Yang. A heteroskedastic Black-Litterman portfolio optimization model with views derived from a predictive regression. In Cheng Few Lee and John Lee, editors, Handbook of Financial Econometrics, Mathematics, Statistics, and Machine Learning, volume 1, chapter 14, pages 563–581. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2020
Huei-Wen Teng and Michael Lee. Estimation procedures of using five alternative machine learning methods for predicting credit card default. In Cheng Few Lee and John Lee, editors, Handbook of Financial Econometrics, Mathematics, Statistics, and Machine Learning, volume 4, chapter 101, pages 3545–3572. World Scientific, Hackensack, NJ, 2020
Huei-Wen Teng and Michael Lee. Alternative machine learning methods for credit card default forecasting. In John Lee, Jow-Ran Chang, Lie-Jane Kao, and Cheng Few Lee, editors, Essentials of Excel VBA, Python, and R Volume II: Financial Derivatives, Risk Management and Machine Learning, volume 2, chapter 14, pages 285–298. Springer, Switzerland, 2 edition, 2023
Submitted Papers
Huei-Wen Teng, Wolfgang K Härdle, Jörg Osterrieder, and et al. Mitigating digital asset risks. 2024a. Revised and resubmitted to Financial Innovation, doi = 10.2139/ssrn.4594467
Huei-Wen Teng and Wolfgang K Härdle. Financial analytics of inverse BTC options in a stochastic volatility world. January 2024b. Under revision at Journal of Financial Econometrics
Huei-Wen Teng and Yenchang Lee. Integrating explainable ai with polynomial analytics to enhance credit scoring model compliance. February 2024. Submitted to International Review of Economics & Finance
Huei-Wen Teng, Meng-Jou Lu, Matúš Horváth, and Wolfgang Karl Härdle. Which risk do crypto index investments have? Submitted to Global Finance Journal, 2024c
Yen-Ting Chen, Yenchang Lee, and Huei-Wen Teng. Unveiling key drivers of bitcoin returns: A machine learning approach with dynamic variable selection. Manuscript In Progress, 2024